With the advancement of cloud technology and the constant innovations, businesses are constantly changing, some willingly and some not so willingly. When the change or changes are constant or large and involved major process changes, based on our experience, it is...
The adaption of cloud technologies and applications for both small are large businesses is growing rapidly every year, and according to The Australian 2015 was the biggest year to date. The reason for the cloud push is the tangible cost and performance benefits and...
The cloud is becoming the new way in the business world with the number of small and large businesses moving IT systems to the cloud increasing every year. There are though two types of clouds, the public and the private and the choice of cloud varies depending on the...
According to Information Age, cloud technology has reached a new level of maturity, and 82% of organisations consider the cloud to be a key part of their IT strategy. Although the approach to the cloud is maturing along with the applications available, there are still...
Lower prices. Better service. More options. The ability to work anywhere. The ability to work collaboratively with your employees and clients. No need to hire an expensive IT department. Eliminating the need to constantly upgrade hardware. If you are a small to medium...